I wish I had a picture of my booth filled with all the happy people yesterday, but I was too engaged in the many lovely moments to consider taking a pic.
Thank you so much for coming to Woolstock! It was such a great day and so, so lovely to see so many friends. I appreciate every single skein you bought!!
Thanks also to my daughter @heatherryder_ and my lovely cousin who restocked, cashed out, tidied up, did coffee/food runs throughout the day and generally kept everything running smoothly. I always appreciate your help immensely!
Finally, a huge thanks to Jane @woodstockfleecefestivall and the volunteers who put on a great show while keeping covid precautions in mind. Your efforts made our experience feel safe while still allowing it to feel exciting and normal again.
My plans today? Well… I’ll be drinking coffee and knitting. That’s about it, cuz I’m exhausted!! The car can be unpacked tomorrow 💁🏻♀️😜…