This warmed my heart
Go To Post This warmed my heart when I heard from the Intermediate school teacher about how the kids are using the Songbird #beafreakingunicorn donation from 2021. It was wonderful that I could donate where the money would be used so authentically… not just added to a general account.
With all that’s going on south of the border to try to marginalized the LGBTQ+ community further, it’s more important than ever that youth know they have our support!
This year, the Be a Freaking Unicorn collective won’t be run through a centralized website. Follow the hashtag #beafreakingunicorn so you see all the makers/dyers involved.
Sales run through May depending on maker’s supply and then we encourage you to use your acquisitions in June and post in support of PRIDE month!! Feel free to support LGBTQ+ charities in June too!!