Go To Post I love listening to the high, clear whistle of Cedar Waxwings this time of year. The young have fledged and large groups travel from tree top to tree top in unison, singing as they pass overhead.
Oh, my! U r amazing! And inspiring! Love your blog, forwarded it on to my sister Ruth down Cottam way, by Point Pelee. She loves knitting and birding. We grew up in Windsor and our folks introduced us and my brother to birding. I belong to the Audubon society. Have been thinking about crochet, so will get my DIL to teach her and start out doing scarves and hats for kiddos at Calgary’s women shelter. I live in Calgary, and contrary to the recent news, no we r not all rednecks, especially my nurse buddies. But, I would like something to keep my fingers nimble while I watch TV as apparently we r in for a long, cold, snowy winter, thanks to El Nina. Your yarns are amazing! And waxwings are one of my fave birds, we get them migrating thru my neighbourhood twice a year.
Oh, my! U r amazing! And inspiring! Love your blog, forwarded it on to my sister Ruth down Cottam way, by Point Pelee. She loves knitting and birding. We grew up in Windsor and our folks introduced us and my brother to birding. I belong to the Audubon society. Have been thinking about crochet, so will get my DIL to teach her and start out doing scarves and hats for kiddos at Calgary’s women shelter. I live in Calgary, and contrary to the recent news, no we r not all rednecks, especially my nurse buddies. But, I would like something to keep my fingers nimble while I watch TV as apparently we r in for a long, cold, snowy winter, thanks to El Nina. Your yarns are amazing! And waxwings are one of my fave birds, we get them migrating thru my neighbourhood twice a year.